Topic outline

  • Apresentação do curso

    The course aims to familiarize the participant with the Primary Oral Health Care for the Older Adults and you will get acquainted with the older adults dental necessities regarding the various clinical conditions of the oral cavity. In addition to these aspects, the course will present to you manners to carry out these care with the oral health of the older adults.

    If you are a caregiver of an older adult or live with older adults, these issues will be very interesting and important for you. The course, also, makes you understand the demographic changes and aging population and some issues related to senescence. You will be able to access the videos, classes and supplemental materials at any time you want during the course. It is recommended that the student access the theoretical class and listen to the audio of the class simultaneously for a better comprehension. The student can access the materials at any time, while the course is open. It is necessary that the student completes the module that is watching and then proceed and access the following modules.

    The course is available to anyone who is literate in Portuguese and English and has an interest in learning contexts about oral health care for the older adults. Young people, adults, and older adults people who want to learn such care are invited to apply. No undergraduate health course is required.

    The course takes place in four weeks and is developed autonomously. Contains four modules that must be worked sequentially to evolve the learning process. The sequential modules address issues such as general context about aging, healthy old age and active aging, clinical contexts of the oral cavity for the older adults and practical care with oral health in old age.


    Attention! This MOOC does not provide any assistance from instructors or professors.

    Warning: this is a short course. Enrolling in this course does not mean that the student happens to be connected to any undergraduate or graduate course at UFRGS, nor to enjoy the rights of students regularly enrolled at UFRGS. UFRGS students should consult teachers to know if this course qualifies for complementary credits or if it is part of teaching, research and/or extension activities.

    A universidade também não emitirá declaração de conclusão de qualquer um dos cursos, o certificado é o meio disponibilizado para atestar que houve a conclusão do curso.

  • Before you start...

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Module 01 – Old age in today's society

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Module 02 – The active aging

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Module 03 – Oral health conditions in old age

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Module 04 – Caring for the oral health of the older adults

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Fórum

    Not available unless: You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
  • Course certification

    Not available unless:
    • The activity [Quiz] Caring for the oral health for the older adults is complete and passed
    • You belong to Self enrolment (Student)
    • The activity ...please see how the course works! is marked complete